MS Question Time-The Odd couple

When you have a Duo 
you genereally have the straight one and the funny one. 

                                  There was Eric and Ernie
Dean and Jerry (for our US Readers)
I (MD) am the Funny One!!..

Some Call it Unprofessional.

I call it funny....Don't be so sensitive!

Some say we are the Odd Couple
The smart and the scruffy one.


Prof G (Felix) needs to wear the (grey) suit, 
I (Oscar) can wear the comfortable clothes.

Just remember Felix became Love Sidney whereas 
Oscar became Quincy and saved the World at least once a week.

However on the WorldStage we need to see the Professional Side
Prof G and MD will be at the 
"Social Media Session" at ECTRIMS 2013

 Come and watch the "MS Question Time"
It is your chance to ask Neuros other than Team G the questions you are burning to Ask. 

Send your questions to 
Bartsmsblog (at)
